Pest Management Strategy

The City’s Pest Management Strategy is based on scientific expertise and environmental stewardship through the adoption of integrated pest management principles. Integrated Pest Management is a multidisciplinary, ecological approach to the management of pests based first on prevention and, when necessary, control.

Integrated Pest Management incorporates effective, economical and environmentally sound methods and strategies that include:

  • Preventative/Cultural Measures
  • Biological and Mechanical Controls 
  • Chemical Controls

Use of Pesticides

The Integrated Pest Management Policy C501A, adopted in 2019, directs the appropriate use of pesticides by the City of Edmonton. The City has always sought multiple options for every pest problem to reduce the overall use of pesticides.

In addition to policies adopted at the municipal level, the use of pesticides is also governed by both federal and provincial legislation.

At the federal level, every pesticide registered for use in Canada is approved by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, a division of Health Canada. Pesticides are regulated by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency to ensure efficacy and minimal risk to human health and the environment; therefore, products are subject to significant scientific scrutiny. Instructions for usage are detailed on the product label and include the specific requirements around application methods.

Provincial regulations cover the licensing and training of individuals, codes of practice and service requirements for the application of pesticides in Alberta. These include reporting requirements, such as amounts of pesticides used, locations and the required public notice of treatment activities.  

Weed Biocontrol

Most of our serious weeds are plants that have been introduced from other parts of the world, often leaving their natural enemies behind. Biological control of weeds attempts to restore the natural control of these plants by introducing enemies from their native region.

Weed Feeding Insects
Weed Biocontrol Agent (Insect)Description Weed Host Species
Aphthona nigriscutis and A. lacertosaleaf feeding beetlesleafy spurge
Eteobalea serratellaroot feeding caterpillaryellow toadflax
Galerucella calmariensis and G. pusillaleaf feeding beetlespurple loosestrife
Hyles euphorbialeaf feeding caterpillarleafy spurge
Larinus planusseed feeding weevilCanada thistle
Lema cyanellaleaf feeding beetleCanada thistle
Mecinus janthinusstem boring weevilyellow toadflax
Microplontus edentulusstem boring weevilscentless chamomile
Minoa murinataleaf feeding caterpillarleafy spurge
Omphalapion hookeriseed feeding weevilscentless chamomile
Rhopalomyia sp.gall midgescentless chamomile
Urophora carduistem gall flyCanada thistle
brown bug eating yellow eggs on a leaf
Leaf-feeding beetle adult and eggs (Galerucella sp.) on purple loosestrife

Pesticide Notifications

Maps detailing where crews plan treatments for mosquitoes, tree insects and weeds.

purple flowers

Newsletter Sign Up

Interesting information about weeds, bugs and other pests, as well as how you can get involved!

Contact Us

Pest Management

Phone  311 | Outside of Edmonton: 780-442-5311 | TTY: 780-944-5555