
Each year, one quarter of the City local roads are assessed visually for condition of pavement, curbs and sidewalk. Collector roads are visually inspected on every odd year.

Defects Include:

  • Sidewalk trip hazards, cracks and surface damage
  • Roadway cracks, potholes, ruts, distortion and raveling
  • Light stands rusting and tilting

Each defect is rated on a numeric scale according to a standard rating system. The defects are compared to previous ratings to find differences. Higher numbers indicate better conditions.

Neighbourhood scores are averaged and graded. These condition ratings are averaged for the entire neighbourhood and there could be significant differences for individual sections (for example, a city block) within the neighbourhood that may be worse or better than the average reported.


A - Very Good
B - Good
C - Fair
D - Poor
F - Very Poor

Transportation uses surface infrastructure condition assessments (roads, curb and sidewalk) as criteria to determine the type of renewal required (preventive maintenance, overlay, full reconstruction). The age of a neighbourhood is not a 'direct' factor in the selection and priority of a neighbourhood reconstruction, but generally, if no minor or major rehabilitation work has been done since initial construction, an older neighbourhood should experience greater deterioration and have a lower condition score compared to a newer neighbourhood.


Priority neighbourhoods are selected and scheduled for renewal based on:

  • Available budget
  • Review of more detailed condition assessments
  • Maintenance history
  • Underground infrastructure condition and material
  • Coordination opportunities with priorities identified by City Council, Transportation, Drainage, and utilities companies

Neighbourhood Road Reconstruction

Construction is scheduled to work efficiently with residents and crews. The roadway, sidewalks and streetlight construction process

  • Replace all streetlights
  • Remove sidewalks, pour in gravel base, and pour in new sidewalk
  • Pulverize and remove road base
  • Pave roads
  • Put in sod
  • Canvas area for feedback


Driveway Tie-InA portion of the front sidewalk and driveway are replaced to tie in evenly with the new sidewalk. The new sidewalk must be completely finished before the opposite side can be worked on to ensure access for pedestrians.


Sidewalks are completed separately from curb and gutter to leave room for trees. Special joints are put in and sidewalks are moved farther away if possible to prevent cracking from roots.

Disability Access

Residents requiring disability access in front of their homes during construction are asked to contact the project manager so that the necessary arrangements can be made.