The Industrial Investment Action Plan is a roadmap for attracting investment into our city, growing and diversifying our economy, and increasing our industrial tax base.

Principles and Actions

The Industrial Investment Action Plan is guided by 4 principles and 9 actions that will strategically enhance industrial development in Edmonton.

Action 1

Market and promote the industrial advantages of Edmonton. Increase the awareness of Edmonton's characteristics and advantages so more businesses will consider locating or growing their investments in the city.

Action 2

Establish and maintain an industrial infrastructure prioritization tool. Prioritize the development of shovel-ready industrial land to attract and retain major industrial and industrial-enabling investments.

Action 3

Increase efficiency and improve business processes for industrial development. Reduce the amount of time and costs required for a business to be operational, making the City more competitive in attracting industrial investment.

Action 4

Develop a guiding framework for flexibility in the City’s design standards. Understand what design standards are flexible to allow industrial development to occur in a timely and cost-effective way, meeting the requirements of key stakeholders.

Action 5

Work with Indigenous Communities, organizations and businesses to identify barriers and advance Indigenous industrial economic development in Edmonton. Generate a new approach to establish a working partnership to collaborate and share in the benefits of industrial investment.

Action 6

Remove barriers for ethnocultural and all equity-deserving communities for participating in Edmonton’s industrial development. Maximize the contributions of ethnocultural and equity-deserving communities to create a more inclusive economy.

Action 7

Continue to collaborate with regional partners, Indigenous Communities and investment groups, and regional economic development agencies on economic development activities. Work collaboratively to reduce the costs of competition, pursue larger investments and share in the direct and indirect benefits of a strong regional economy.

Action 8

Identify and tailor programs and incentives for target sectors that will provide a strong return to the City’s tax base and advance strategic objectives. Identify programs and incentives to attract investment, stimulate job creation, and foster innovation in target sectors, making Edmonton more competitive as a critical feature in influencing businesses to invest or grow.

Action 9

Monitor progress and results of the Industrial Investment Action Plan. Measure progress and results to identify successes, shortcomings and areas for improvement to guide future change.

Industrial Development

Looking to locate, expand or innovate your industry in Edmonton? We’re here to help! The City of Edmonton offers a range of industrial neighbourhoods and shovel-ready industrial land. Get in touch with our team for tailored support. 

Hendrik Cuppen, Investment Attraction Coordinator

One-on-one support is available in English, Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish.