Economic, Demographic and Market Study
An assessment of Edmonton’s current and anticipated future demographic, employment and market trends, that identifies key areas of population and employment growth.
The extreme weather response will be deactivated on Tuesday, January 21 at 9am due to warmer weather.
A Phase 2 Parking Ban for residential and industrial areas is in effect Monday through Friday. Please remove vehicles during scheduled clearing dates.
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The City Plan was developed based on technical studies, policy development and over 2 years of engagement with Edmontonians and stakeholders.
The City Plan is informed by a number of technical studies. The key findings and results of these helped inform the development of the recommended land use concept.
An assessment of Edmonton’s current and anticipated future demographic, employment and market trends, that identifies key areas of population and employment growth.
A framework for mass transit development and expansion considering Edmonton’s current transit state and presenting an evolved direction for a future with one million more residents.
An analysis of The Draft City Plan’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions compared to Edmonton’s anticipated emissions without making proactive changes to reach our carbon budget.
An overview of key geographical locations around the city that population and employment is expected to grow as Edmonton welcomes an additional one million residents.
An assessment of the costs and benefits of different land use patterns and population densification scenarios, considered as Edmonton grows to a city of two million residents.
An assessment of Edmonton’s vulnerability to future man-made and natural climate-related disasters with the Draft City Plan’s application, compared to maintaining business as usual as we grow to a city of two million residents.
A study of how The City Plan can help Edmonton and Edmontonians be more agile and adaptable in the face of disruption.
The City Planning Framework clarifies the hierarchy and planning tool categories, and will serve as one of the key implementation tools of The City Plan.
Learn about the many ways residents have been engaged throughout the project to help create and refine The City Plan.
Public Engagement for The City Plan began early fall 2018. Here's what you told us in September and October of 2018.
Here's what you told us in spring and summer 2019.
Here's what you told us in spring and summer 2019.
A summary of the results of city-wide engagement for the City Plan that took place between June and December 2019.
Over 1600 kids in 33 different schools across all twelve wards shared their ideas for the choices we should make in The City Plan. This comic tells the story of an intrepid group of kids who build the City of Tomorrow and share their vision of the city they want to live in.