EcoSchools in Alberta (Grades K-12)
EcoSchools Canada is a certification program for K-12 schools that nurtures environmental learning and climate action, available for free to all publicly funded Alberta Schools. Classrooms, environmental clubs, or entire school populations work together to complete EcoSchools actions and earn points on the EcoSchools Canada online app, which helps you measure and record your environmental impact. Earn enough points during the year and your school will be awarded with bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level certification.
Energy Star Kids (Grades K-12)
Online activities on energy conservation.
Learning for a Sustainable Future (Grades K-12)
Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) provides funding to engage schools and communities in sustainability action projects that are student-led.
Planet Protector Academy: Keep it Cool (Grades 3-6)
A fun, engaging teaching resource on climate, energy and transportation issues that supports curriculum outcomes for Grades 3 to 6. Fully funded (no cost!) to teachers in Edmonton, the Keep Cool resource:
- Introduces climate, energy and transportation topics through a fun arts-based and interdisciplinary approach
- Sends kids on at-home superhero missions to lead change in their families
- Helps teachers meet Alberta curriculum outcomes for Grades 3-6 in arts, science, language and social studies
Want to know more? Check out the 2-minute "How It Works" video at Planet Protector Academy for a quick overview!
PlantWatch (Grade 4)
PlantWatch is a NatureWatch program that works with "citizen scientists" (volunteers) to report flowering times for certain plants to researchers. The dates are used to determine changes that may be affecting our environment. Select "resources" along the top left for curriculum guides.
I Am The Future (Grades 4-6)
A handbook and song focusing on Alberta's biodiversity of wetlands and urban forests. It includes science curriculum activities, blackline illustrations, feature articles by Alberta biologist Chris Fisher and links to excellent resources produced by Learn Alberta and the Cities of Edmonton and Calgary.
The handbook is designed to help teachers connect students with local ecosystems and outdoor learning experiences. I Am the Future reinforces that young people can take action to protect important habitats.
Presented by the City of Edmonton, University of Alberta and Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation (ABCRC).
For other handbooks, visit Artist Response Team.
The Way We Green School Cue Cards (Grades 4-6)
A set of cue cards featuring the goals of The Way We Green and various people and projects that are helping to achieve those goals.
See the Teacher's Guide on how to use the cards.
Green Learning (Grades 4-Post Secondary)
Web-based teaching tools - developed by teachers, for teachers.
Air Quality Scavenger Hunt and Design Challenge (Grade 5)
This Inside Education activity challenges students to identify the sources of air pollution in their neighbourhood and design a ’dream neighbourhood’ that minimizes air pollution.
C.A.R.S. (Grade 5)
C.A.R.S (Clean Air, Responsible Schools) explores air quality and emissions and makes connections to climate change. Students become young scientists, using portable air quality monitors to gather local data. Delivered by Inside Education.
Edmonton Climate Expo (Grade 5 and 6)
Offered by Inside Education and Change For Climate, this program is a hands-on station-based program designed to introduce students to curriculum-linked climate and community stewardship topics.
EcoSchools in Alberta (Grades K-12)
EcoSchools Canada is a certification program for K-12 schools that nurtures environmental learning and climate action, available for free to all publicly funded Alberta Schools. Classrooms, environmental clubs, or entire school populations work together to complete EcoSchools actions and earn points on the EcoSchools Canada online app, which helps you measure and record your environmental impact. Earn enough points during the year and your school will be awarded with bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level certification.
Learning for a Sustainable Future (Grades K-12)
Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) provides funding to engage schools and communities in sustainability action projects that are student-led.
Green Learning (Grade 4-Post Secondary)
Web-based teaching tools, developed by teachers, for teachers.
Changing Climates: Exploring Impacts and Adaptation in Edmonton (Grade 7)
Offered by Inside Education and Change For Climate, this 1 hour program looks at the causes and local impacts of climate change and actions we can take.
Climate Conversations (Grades 7-12)
A teacher's guide to climate adaptation and resilience in Edmonton, providing thought-provoking questions and critical thinking activities to help connect students to their city and provide them with information to begin preparing for a changing climate.
Design Our Climate Simulation (Grade 7-Post Secondary)
Learn how our activities influence greenhouse gas emissions, imagine your future with the Design Our Climate simulation, and explore what actions you will take to make it reality. Depolarizing discussion guides, lesson plans, and activity suggestions accompany this peer-reviewed, science-based, free, online learning tool from the King's Centre for Visualization in Science.
EcoSchools in Alberta (Grades K-12)
EcoSchools Canada is a certification program for K-12 schools that nurtures environmental learning and climate action, available for free to all publicly funded Alberta Schools. Classrooms, environmental clubs, or entire school populations work together to complete EcoSchools actions and earn points on the EcoSchools Canada online app, which helps you measure and record your environmental impact. Earn enough points during the year and your school will be awarded with bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level certification.
Learning for a Sustainable Future (Grades K-12)
Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) provides funding to engage schools and communities in sustainability action projects that are student-led.
Green Learning (Grade 4-Post Secondary)
Web-based teaching tools, developed by teachers, for teachers.
Climate Conversations (Grades 7-12)
A teacher's guide to climate adaptation and resilience in Edmonton, providing thought-provoking questions and critical thinking activities to help connect students to their city and provide them with information to begin preparing for a changing climate.
Design Our Climate Simulation (Grade 7-Post Secondary)
Learn how our activities influence greenhouse gas emissions, imagine your future with the Design Our Climate simulation, and explore what actions you will take to make it reality. Depolarizing discussion guides, lesson plans, and activity suggestions accompany this peer-reviewed, science-based, free, online learning tool from the King's Centre for Visualization in Science.
Building Climate Resilience in Edmonton (Grade 10)
Offered by Inside Education and Change For Climate, this 1 hour program explores how our human actions play a part in climate change and how climate projections would impact our day-to-day life.
The Way We Green: Classroom Conversations (Grades 10-12)
This Teacher's Guide has connections to numerous units in the Sciences, Social Studies and English courses of study.
It includes tips and resources to support your understanding of the history, goals and actions in each section of The Way We Green, and to initiate thoughtful conversation within the classroom on important issues.
Explaining Climate Change (Grade 10-Post Secondary)
A set of peer-reviewed, interactive, web-based materials to help learners visualize and understand the underlying science of climate change.
Green Learning (Grades 4-Post Secondary)
Web-based teaching tools - developed by teachers, for teachers.
Design Our Climate Simulation (Grade 7-Post Secondary)
Learn how our activities influence greenhouse gas emissions, imagine your future with the Design Our Climate simulation, and explore what actions you will take to make it reality. Depolarizing discussion guides, lesson plans, and activity suggestions accompany this peer-reviewed, science-based, free, online learning tool from the King's Centre for Visualization in Science.
Explaining Climate Change (Grade 10-Post Secondary)
A set of peer-reviewed, interactive, web-based materials to help learners visualize and understand the underlying science of climate change.
Sustainability Scholars (Post Secondary)
A mentorship program for University of Alberta graduate students to work on sustainability-related applied research projects with the City of Edmonton and the University over the summer.
Climate Change Education Project
Inside Education has various programs and resources focused on climate change, including meaningful, community-based projects. Check out the Professional Development resources.
Learning for a Sustainable Future
Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF) offers professional development workshops to help educators transform their practice and link education to action in meaningful and engaging ways.