Share Your Thoughts: Winter Parks

We invite you to share your experiences and insights about how you enjoy Edmonton's River Valley Parks during the winter months by completing this survey.

Complete Winter Park Use Survey

We heard loud and clear from Edmontonians that it was time to reclaim the joy of winter and embrace the season.

It's time to be proud of our Edmonton winters, and even to be a little boastful about them!

We created a 10-year roadmap for working together as a community, for thinking differently, and creating a great winter city. 

We've hit the 10-year mark and are truly proud to say that we are on our way to realizing all the great potential our winters have to offer.

WinterCity Strategy 10 Year Report

Tip of the Iceberg: WinterCity Strategy 10 Year Report

Have we made a difference? Yes! See what worked, what we learned and our recommendations for continuing to champion winter