Income between $31,265 and $34,391
Cost: $140
Senior Annual Pass Application Form
How to Apply (First-time Applicants)
Seniors applying for a low income annual pass must provide proof of age, Edmonton residency and income. Proof of receipt of this benefit is required for first time applicants only.
Must have at least 1 of the following for proof of age:
- Driver’s licence
- Alberta Government identification card
- Alberta Health Care card
- Permanent Resident card
Must have proof of residency such as:
- Driver’s licence
- Documentation containing a name and Edmonton address (bank statements, utility bills, phone bills)
Must have a copy of 1 of the following for proof of income:
- 2024 T4A (OAS) (if box 21, net supplement paid, shows any amount above zero)
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) letter of eligibility from the Government of Canada
- 2024 Notice of Assessment (line 15000, taxable individual income must be below $31,265)
- Permanent Resident or a refugee (to qualify, you must have been in Canada less than one year and have not filed a tax return)
- Proof of government Employment Insurance (EI) being received in past three months
- A copy of your Health Benefits Card within the last three months showing receipt of Income Support benefits
Personal information is collected for the purpose of applying for an ETS Seniors Annual Pass and will be used to determine eligibility. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed and protected in accordance with the Act. The documents you submit will be destroyed after verification.
For questions about the collection, please contact
There are three ways to submit copies of your documentation:
- By mailing documentation to the Edmonton Service Centre, 2nd floor, 10111 104 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5J 0J4
- By emailing scanned copies (or photos) of documentation to
- By mailing documentation to the Edmonton Service Centre
If you are purchasing a subsidized pass ($140), see payment information below.
Once your submission has been reviewed and payment has been received (if applicable), your pass will be mailed to the address you provided on your application form.
If you would like to talk to someone regarding the pass and the qualifications, or need more information about how to make a payment, please call 780-423-7433, Monday to Friday from 8am-4:30pm.