Senior fares are available to those who are 65 years and older. See Arc Information Guide for Seniors.

There are two types of ETS annual passes available to seniors.

  • Senior fare riders in Edmonton who pay regular fare. These riders do not need to apply to ETS to receive a seniors’ regular annual transit pass. Instead, they will receive an annual fare cap of $396 which is the same price as the annual pass. Once they reach this amount, they can ride ETS for the rest of the year for free. 
  • Seniors who participate in the subsidized ETS senior annual pass program (free and $140), dependent on income level). These riders need to apply for the program. Once you have applied and been accepted into the program, you will need to renew your pass each subsequent year. 

Regular seniors annual fare cap and the subsidized seniors pre-loaded Arc cards are only valid on ETS. Riders can travel on regional transit by paying the applicable regional fare.

ETS paper senior tickets and monthly passes are no longer available for purchase. Pre purchased senior tickets with an expiration date of December 31, 2023 will be accepted as valid fare until the end of 2025. Switch to Arc today at