The Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Strong Sector Initiatives Grant supports collaborative initiatives that build a strong sector, and increase social inclusion and equity. 

Maximum Grant Requests: Up to $250,000 per year

Strong Sector Initiatives that are currently receiving FCSS funding, for more than the maximum allowable funding request of $250,000 per year, will have an opportunity to request an exemption by completing the Exemption Request Form. 

After you apply, you can ask for the Exemption Request Form by emailing

Application Intake Open

Application intake is now open for the Strong Sector Initiatives Grant. 

The deadline for submission is April 23, 2005.

  • All applications will be reviewed from April 24-June 30
  • Successful applicants will be notified by July 31, 2025 of the outcome of their application

Grant Application Criteria

Applications will be accepted for collaboratives that support the following:

  • Integrated service coordination to provide more effective preventive social services to citizens
  • Formal partnerships between researchers and community organizations to generate knowledge to inform action in the preventive social services space in alignment with the FCSS program priorities and mandate

View Grant Program Guide

Grant Priorities

Funding is prioritized for initiatives that demonstrate:

  • Shared leadership model developed
  • Formal partnerships/agreements in place
  • Participant centred with equity and intersectionality embedded
  • Research and data informed approach Research-informed strategies
  • Participation that is representative of communities that will be served

These initiatives aim to increase the capacity of individuals, communities, and organizations to provide coordinated support and drive systemic change.

Grant Information Sessions

New to FCSS Grants? Join our Information Session.

This session is for organizations and leadership new to the Edmonton Family and Community Support Services Grant Program.

Date: Thursday April 3, 2025
Time: 11-11:45am

Register for the Strong Sector Initiatives Session

participants in virtual meeting

Eligible Organizations

  • Be a not-for-profit organization registered for at least 1 year and in good standing with the incorporating body (Alberta Society, Non-profit Private Company, Non-Profit Public Company, Extra-Provincial Non-profit Company)
  • Have a mandate that aligns with the collaborative initiative being applied for
  • Be working in or with the preventive social services sector
  • Demonstrate sound board and financial governance practices
  • Demonstrate initiative and success in generating diverse sources of funding
  • Accomplish an adequate level of activity to merit a grant
  • Be in good standing with the City in terms of reporting requirements and outstanding payments

Eligible/Ineligible Expenses

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses must contribute to the establishment of new collaborative efforts or enhance existing collaborative work. Examples of eligible expenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Staffing
  • Space for co-location or meetings
  • Travel and training within Edmonton
  • Printing and communications
  • Support for relationship building between collaborators and partners
  • Planning, research and evaluation
  • Volunteer support
  • Materials and supplies
  • Contracted services
  • Administration (up to 15%)
Ineligible Expenses

Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:

  • Capital and facility upgrades, renovations and construction
  • Debt reduction, financing charges and interest payments on loans
  • Basic living support such as money, food, clothing or shelter

Required Documents for Application

The following required documents must be included with the Application:

Learn how to submit your financial documents correctly 

Funding Allocation and Priorities

Applicants will be notified by July 31, 2025 of the outcome of their application.

  • Due to limited funds and high demand for FCSS funding, not all requests that meet the established criteria will be approved for funding. Applicants may receive full, reduced or no funding for their initiative. There is no appeal process.
  • Successful applicants may receive funding for up to 3 years and will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the City of Edmonton.
  • If you do not receive funding, your application may be shared with other City of Edmonton business areas for analysis and potential funding options; and with external funding organizations for potential funding options. 

Reporting Expectation

A condition of Family and Community Support (FCSS) funding includes the following expectations:

  • Audited Financial Statements, including the Auditor’s Management Letter upon request, due March 1 each year
  • A Schedule of Revenue and Expenses using a City template, due at the end of January each year
  • Outcomes Reporting, due at the end of January each year
  • Proof of $2 million liability insurance with the City named as Additionally Insured
  • Copies of governance documents such as Annual Return, Annual Report, and similar
  • Monitoring conversations with City staff
  • Others, as required

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the collaborative and the initiative?

The collaborative is a group of organizations working together or planning to work together in a way that is focused and mutually beneficial towards a common goal. There should be agreements/documents in place that recognize shared outcomes, investment of resources, risk, accountability and decision-making.

The initiative is the work the collaborative is undertaking. The name of the collaborative may be different from the name of the initiative.

Can our collaborative apply for more than one initiative?

Yes - you must submit a separate application for each initiative. The number of initiative applications you submit may be considered in the assessment process.

Is there a limit for the proportion of FCSS funding that can be allocated to Administrative expenses?

Up to 15% of the initiative’s FCSS allocation may be approved for administrative costs that directly support the initiative. The intention is to have the majority of funding going to direct service delivery.

Can an initiative have more than one source of funding?

Yes, Edmonton FCSS recognizes that initiatives can be made up of different parts that are more appropriately funded by different funders. Having diverse funding sources for the initiative is important for financial sustainability. However, if an initiative's activities fall under the mandate of another level of government, the initiative activities would be ineligible for FCSS funding.

If our initiative is approved for FCSS funding, when will the funding begin?

Edmonton FCSS distributes initiative funding in 12 monthly payments for the calendar year, January 1-December 31.

Organizations will enter into a funding agreement with the City of Edmonton that outlines the funding expectations and reporting requirements.

I have already applied for a City of Edmonton grant. Do I have to submit all of the same required documents again?

Yes. These documents are a requirement of this grant program and are required in order to assess your application eligibility.

My organization and other organizations in the collaboration are not based in Edmonton. Can we still apply for a grant?

FCSS supports initiatives for Edmontonians, delivered by non-profit organizations in Edmonton.

My organization and other organizations in the collaboration currently receive funding from the City of Edmonton. Can we still apply for a grant?

Yes, however, other funding or resources an organization receives from the City of Edmonton may be considered as part of the assessment process. 

Contact Us

Community Grants Office


Phone  780-496-4933