The FCSS Community Program Grant provides funding to support preventive programs and services that build resilient individuals, thriving families, and create welcoming and engaged communities.
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) program applications are now being accepted for Community Programs:
Open applications for the Positive Mental Health and Poverty Reduction & Homelessness Prevention priorities
Renewal Requests for currently funded programs under the priorities of Healthy Social Emotional Development and Healthy Relationships
A separate application is required for each program you are applying for.
Maximum Grant Requests: Up to $400,000 per year
Community programs that are currently receiving FCSS funding for more than the maximum allowable funding request of $400,000 per year, will have an opportunity to request an exemption by completing the Exemption Request Form.
After you apply, you can ask for the Exemption Request Form by email to
Open Applications
The Open Application is for organizations and programs that meet the eligibility requirements.
Be a not-for-profit organization registered for at least one year and in good standing with the incorporating body (Alberta Society, Non-profit Private Company, Non-Profit Public Company, Extra-Provincial Non-profit Company)
Have a social services mandate
Demonstrate sound board and financial governance practices
Demonstrate initiative and success in generating diverse sources of funding
Accomplish an adequate level of activity to merit a grant
Be in good standing with the City in terms of reporting requirements and outstanding payments
A bank reconciliation and bank statement as at the fiscal year-end is required for financial statements that are internally generated, not presented as either a compilation engagement, Notice to Reader, review engagement or an audit
Applicants will be notified by July 31, 2025 of the outcome of their application.
Due to limited funds and high demand for FCSS funding, not all requests that meet the established criteria will be approved for funding. Applicants may receive full, reduced or no funding for their initiative. There is no appeal process.
Successful applicants may receive funding for up to three years and will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the City of Edmonton.
If you do not receive funding, your application may be shared with other City of Edmonton business areas for analysis and potential funding options; and with external funding organizations for potential funding options.
Reporting Expectation
A condition of Family and Community Support (FCSS) funding includes the following expectations:
Audited Financial Statements, including the Auditor’s Management Letter upon request, due March 1 each year
A Schedule of Revenue and Expenses using a City template, due at the end of January each year
Outcomes Reporting, due at the end of January each year
Proof of $2 million liability insurance with the City named as Additionally Insured
Copies of governance documents such as Annual Return, Annual Report, and similar
Yes - you must submit a separate application for each program. The number of program applications you submit may be considered in the assessment process.
Up to 15 percent of the program’s FCSS allocation may be approved for administrative costs that directly support the program. The intention is to have the majority of funding going to direct service delivery.
Yes, Edmonton FCSS recognizes that programs can be made up of different parts that are more appropriately funded by different funders. Having diverse funding sources for the program is important for financial sustainability. However, if a program's activities fall under the mandate of another level of government, the program activities would be ineligible for FCSS funding.