Murals are an important form of public art that can have a profound and positive impact on a city and its well-being.

They help transform spaces, encourage people to engage with their environment, shape a community’s identity and deter graffiti vandalism. Murals can foster wonder, pride, inspiration and a feeling of safety and are a powerful tool for making cities more vibrant and meaningful places to live. 

Application Intake Open

Applications for the Community Murals Matching Grant are open until May 1, 2025.

Funding Priorities

This funding can be used for consultations, artist services, paint supplies, anti-graffiti coating or other needs associated with the creation and installation of a mural. 

  • Community Mural Grant Projects for community leagues, non-profit organizations or licensed businesses will be eligible for funding based on a matching funds basis
  • Matching funds cannot be provided by other City of Edmonton source

Note: Grant funding for the Community Mural Grant is provided on a reimbursement basis.

Grant Timeline

March 1-May 1, 2025
Grant application submission

May 16, 2025 
Applicants notified by email about application decision

November 28, 2025 
Final reporting for grant recipients due

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grant applicants must be non-profit organizations, licensed businesses or community leagues.
  • The location of the mural must be an external wall or asset with high visibility.
  • The location of the mural must be on private property and not City of Edmonton property (Community League buildings are permitted).
  • The legal property owner must provide written permission.
  • 25% of the requested funding must be matched through finances, donations, or in-kind contributions towards the mural project’s total cost. This contribution may include staff labour, mural supplies or cash towards the mural project. For example, if the mural organizers request $8,000 from the City, they would be expected to contribute at least an additional $2,000 toward the mural total cost.
  • Must submit a proposed budget, project timeline, and mural mockup or thumbnail sketch with application. 
  • The project should have at least 1 community engagement component that can be anecdotal or numerically measured.

Conditional Acceptance Criteria

Only needed after an applicant is successful in the selection process (as a condition to funding)

  • Proof of $2,000,000 in liability insurance
  • Final report at the end of the project that includes receipts, and before and after photos by November 28, 2025  

Additional Requirements

The City reserves the right to deny requests that do not merit public support or are mainly personal, private, political, polarizing or commercial in nature. Please note that advertising, political messages or content deemed as offensive or hateful will not be accepted for grant funding.

  • Honorarium and fees for artists. This includes creative design, production or consultation
  • Wall preparation and painting supplies (including but not limited to: paint, brushes, rollers, sandpaper, plaster and protective coatings)
  • Lifts and equipment rentals for larger murals
  • Anti-graffiti coatings
  • Costs associated with community engagement (examples: education and teachings of the art to the artists working on the mural, learnings and honorariums about the background or meaning of the created art, flyers, advertising or surveys on the mural)
    • May not exceed 25% of the complete project budget
    • Copies of these materials must be provided in the final report as well as a summary of the results involving the mural or feedback surveys conducted by the applicant

Application Checklist

  • A photo of the mural location
  • A mockup or thumbnail sketch of artwork for the project
  • A Proposed Budget Sheet 
  • Permission from the property owner if different from the applicant: the legal address and property owner must be included in the letter
    Proof of $2,000,000 liability insurance (can be submitted after you have been approved for funding)

Download Community Mural Grant Guide

Application Assessment and Scoring

Due to high demand and limited funding, grants are awarded to applications that score the highest based on the following criteria:

Mural Vision, Timeline and Budget

Includes clarity of the intent for the mural, feasibility of funding, timelines and capacity of the organization to have a successful project. 

Community Engagement and Collaboration

What types of community engagement or involvement will take place before, during or after the project.

Graffiti Vandalism

Takes into account areas that have been hard-hit by graffiti vandalism and who may be using a mural as a deterrent to future vandalism.

Mural Preservation Plan

Have considerations been made to ensure the mural’s longevity including any pre-planning done and any maintenance plans?

Mural Longevity

With careful planning and consideration to technique and materials and with regular maintenance, a mural can have a long lifespan. Several factors impact a mural’s longevity including:

  • Paint used for the mural:
    • Aerosol (spray can) - lifespan to hold colours can be around 5-10 years and are less durable, particularly on highly sunny facing, UV-affected walls
    • Acrylic house paint - lifespan to hold colours can be around 10+ years, some paints say lifetime
  • Mural wall surface material and wall preparation:
    • Certain surfaces impact the duration and lifespan of a mural (for example, new plywood will hold paint longer than a brick wall).
    • Each surface of a wall needs to be prepared to be painted on. This may be as simple as painting an undercoat or using a high-pressure cleaner or sanding.
  • Exposure to sunlight/UV:
    • Using paint that has good UV protection will help retain the mural’s colour over time. Some high-end paints have a lifetime guarantee while others will say 25 years.
    • There are some UV protection coatings that can be applied after the mural is completed that will help reduce colours from fading.

There are many great publications out there to help you plan and maintain your mural.
Government of Canada: Creating a New Mural
Government of Canada: Conservation Guidelines for Outdoor Murals
Paint Spot: Mural Tips for Artists 
Public Art Best Practices
American Institute for Conservation “Mural Creation Best Practices” Guide
Mural Routes: Mural Production - A Resource Handbook, 2nd edition

Reporting Requirements

Final reporting is required to complete the grant requirements and receive reimbursement. Applicants must submit all follow-up paperwork by November 28, 2025. The final report must include:

  • Final Report and Survey 
  • Final Budget Sheet 
  • All paid receipts and invoices for eligible expenses
  • Photos of the final project (please have at least 1 photo without people)

Please Note:

  • Grant recipients will be asked for proof of payment.
  • Reporting submitted after November 28, 2025 will not be accepted.

Contact Us

Capital City Clean Up


Phone  311 | Outside of Edmonton: 780-442-5311

Fax 780-498-7098