How Can I Participate?
From the young to the young at heart, everyone can get involved:
- Teachers and students can attend City Hall School
- Join or support City of Edmonton Youth Council
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The City of Edmonton has a clear vision: to create a vibrant, connected, safe, sustainable and welcoming city.
From the young to the young at heart, everyone can get involved:
Edmonton is a welcoming city where young Edmontonians thrive in a safe, accessible, well designed community. Edmonton's children and youth are listened to, treated with respect and valued for their individual contributions. Families are defined in broad terms, so that children and youth, and their parents and guardians are welcomed and included.
We strive to ensure Edmonton is a place where children and youth:
Children’s voices are actively pursued, heard and incorporated into programs, services and planning that impacts them.
There is a diversity of welcoming and accessible permanent spaces and infrastructure for children and their families/caregivers throughout all areas of Edmonton for use in all seasons.
Creating opportunities for removal of barriers to programs and services as well as temporary spaces during all four seasons.
Creating opportunities and addressing barriers to make Downtown Edmonton more child friendly.
Over 1600 kids in 33 different schools across all twelve wards shared their ideas for the choices we should make in The City Plan. This comic tells the story of an intrepid group of kids who build the City of Tomorrow and share their vision of the city they want to live in.
The Builders is a one-of-a-kind comic book inspired by the imaginations of students across Edmonton that takes complex zoning topics and brings them to life.