There are many important rules for campaign financing that all candidates must follow. 

Submit Contributions and Expenses

For candidates who filed a notice of intent in 2024, the deadline to submit 2024 campaign disclosure statements was March 3, 2025. Failure to submit by March 13, 2025 may result in ineligibility to run in the 2025 Edmonton Election.

Disclosure Requirements

Candidate reports must include the following information:

  • For contributions:
    • Total contributions of $50 or less
    • Detailed list of contributions above $50
    • Total contributed out of candidate’s own funds
    • Net amount raised from fundraising events
    • Total amount of other revenue (for example, sale of goods)
  • For expenses:
    • An itemized list of all campaign expenses incurred over the course of the year

Local political parties and third-party advertisers will need to submit accounts by March 2026.

Submitting Reports

When submitting campaign finance reports, please use the legislated Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement (Form 26) and provide a physical copy of the documents.

Completed forms can be submitted:

By mail:
Edmonton Elections
16304 114 Avenue NW
Edmonton AB  T5M 3R8

In person: dropped off at the Edmonton Elections office during office hours (9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays)

You can email the form to to meet the March 3 deadline, but the original, physical form and documents must be submitted at a later date.

Fines and Penalties

Consequences for candidates who do not meet the March 3, 2025 deadline, include:

  • An automatic fine of $500
  • Public reporting of the non-compliance if the form remains outstanding 10 days after the deadline
  • Ineligibility to run in the 2025 Edmonton Election if the form is not submitted by midnight on March 13, 2025

The Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement must include all campaign contributions and expenses from 2024.

Filed Campaign Disclosure Statements

Filed Campaign Disclosure Statements are published online by the Edmonton Elections in accordance with the Local Authorities Elections Act. Residential addresses of the candidate, official agent, and contributors are redacted. 

2024 Campaign Disclosure Statements will be published after March 13, 2025.

Contribution Limits

  • Candidates must submit their notice of intent before accepting campaign contributions or incurring expenses
  • A bank account must be opened in the candidate's name once contributions total more than $1,000
 Municipal CandidatesSchool Board Candidates
Candidate - Self-finance$10,000 per campaign period$10,000 per campaign period
Individuals$5,000 per year to all candidates in the municipality$5,000 per year to all candidates in each division
Corporation, trade union or employee organization$5,000 per campaign period to all candidates in the municipality$5,000 per campaign period to all candidates in each division

Expense Limits

  • Expense limits are based on the city’s population at the start of the campaign period
  • Visit as the Alberta government's website for more information
  2024 2025 2026-2027
Candidate - Mayor $505,449.50 $1,010,899 $0
Candidate - Councillor $42,120.79 $84,241.58 $0

Note: School board trustee candidates are not subject to campaign expense limits.

Frequently Asked Questions

I didn’t receive any contributions or incur any expenses in 2024 - do I still need to submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement before March 1, 2025?

All candidates who gave their notice of intent in 2024 must submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement - even if they did not accept any contributions or incur any expenses.

What is included in the Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement?

All candidates who have submitted their notice of intent are required to submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement (Form 26) annually. Candidates must disclose total contributions received and expenses incurred, names and addresses of each individual who contributed more than $50, as well as an itemized list of campaign expenses. There is no specific format required for the list of expenses but Form 26 must be submitted to capture contribution and expense totals. 

Candidates with contributions or expenses of $50,000 or more must submit a review engagement by a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) with their disclosure statement.

Will my Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement be publicly available?

Yes. A redacted version of your Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement, with addresses removed, will be posted for public access on Filed Campaign Disclosures.

Do I need to disclose funds received through fundraising events or auctions?

Yes. If the fundraising event is a ticketed event, candidates can use one of two ways to calculate contributions from ticket sales: 

  • Determine the difference between the cost of the ticket and the value of the goods or services provided to the attendee 
  • Use a percentage of the ticket cost, based on the chart below.
Calculate contributions from ticket sales
Cost of TicketExpenseContribution
Less than $50 *not considered a contributor unless contributor requests as such50%50%
$50.01 - $100up to $25The balance
$100.01 or moreUp to 25%Minimum of 75%

In addition, candidates must issue receipts for contributions received at fundraising events.

What is a contribution? What is an expense?

A contribution is defined by the Local Authorities Elections Act as any money, property or service that is provided to the candidate or for the benefit of a candidate’s election campaign. It does not include services that are provided voluntarily. 

An expense is a cost incurred by the candidate, whether paid or unpaid.

Contact Us

Edmonton Elections

Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am-4pm
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: Closed


Phone  780-496-8008

Address  16304 114 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3R8

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