Curbside Collection
Your waste is collected in carts and bags at your curb or in your alley.
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The City of Edmonton provides waste services to all residents. To fund these services, residents pay a monthly utility rate on their EPCOR bill.
Monthly waste utility rates as of January 1, 2025 are:
The rate reduction is a result of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which takes effect on April 1, 2025. EPR transfers the cost of providing recycling and hazardous waste management services to producers and away from the City, which means the Utility is able to collect less revenue from ratepayers.
Please note:
Excess (360 L) garbage carts are limited to households that generate home health-care waste or have 7 or more people, and are registered to participate in the Excess Garbage Cart Program.
Some residents in apartments and condos receive curbside collection. If you are one of these residents, your rate is transitioning from the communal rate to the curbside rate over a five-year period.
Reduce the cost of your monthly waste rate by requesting a small garbage cart!
Edmonton’s waste services are provided as a utility. They are funded entirely through your monthly utility rates, and no property taxes go toward these services.
This is different from many other cities, which partially fund their waste services through property taxes. Their residents pay for waste services through both a monthly utility rate and yearly property taxes.
Waste Services became a utility in 2009. As a utility, we’re able to share exactly how your monthly waste rate contributes to waste services. It also guarantees stable funding, which helps us plan for and maintain our waste collection, fleet and processing facilities.
Your monthly waste rate funds essential services, like your weekly collection, Eco Stations and other drop-off facilities, waste education, landfill management and more.
In 2023, the City of Edmonton started introducing three-stream collection to apartments and condos, offering these residents food scraps and recycling collection alongside the existing garbage collection.
Property layouts better suited for carts, or apartments or condos incorrectly receiving cart collection while being charged for bin service, may be transitioned to curbside (cart) collection.
In these cases, a letter will be sent to the account holder informing them of this change and the monthly utility rate will be subject to annual stepped increases until it reaches that of the Curbside Collection rate.
The waste rate will increase a small amount each year for 4 years, until the rate aligns with other customers receiving cart collection service in year 5. This gradual increase helps to make rates more manageable for impacted customers.
You will receive a letter before your new rate takes effect.
Please note: you will immediately move to the current curbside utility rate if you:
2025 monthly transitional waste utility rates have been approved by City Council.
Your transitional waste rate depends on the year your rate began to transition. Use the chart to find your 2025 waste utility rate.
Year Your Waste Rate Began to Increase | 2025 Monthly Waste Utility Rate (Jan 1-Dec 31, 2025) |
2025 | $31.13 |
2024 | $34.33 |
Many homes in Edmonton have registered secondary suites, like garden, basement and garage suites. These are considered separate dwellings. Each dwelling on a property receives its own set of carts, and is charged its own monthly utility rate. The utility rate applies even if the secondary suite is not occupied.
If the separate dwellings on your property each produce a small amount of waste, you can apply for the Secondary Suites Cart Sharing program. This allows you to share one set of carts between two or more dwellings on the same property, and save on your monthly utility bill.