Business Licence Categories: each category provides a brief description of the type of business and any specific rules, regulations and application requirements related to the business activity.
Zoning Bylaw: outlines the rules and regulations for uses in each zone in the city.
Permits, Development and Construction: select your project to learn about permits, bylaws, applying online and inspections.
Barrier-Free Design Guide: the Alberta Safety Codes Council Barrier-Free Design Guide provides information about accessibility requirements under section 3.8 of the Alberta Building Code.
Alberta Health Services (AHS): If your business is related to food handling or personal services.
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC): if your business is related to alcohol sales and services.
Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets: Alberta Agriculture outlines the regulations and other rules for Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets.
Short-Term Rentals: provide residential rental accommodation for 30 consecutive days or less.