Edmonton is working on a plan for the future of sports and recreation in our city! This project is called Engage and Play: Shaping Public Recreation in Edmonton. We want to know what's important to you so we can make smart choices about programs, facilities and how we spend money.

Here's how we're doing it:

  • Learning from others: We're looking at what other cities across Canada are doing well to see what we can learn.
  • Checking the trends: We're studying what sports are popular now and what might be popular in the future, both in Edmonton and across the country. This helps us plan for the facilities and programs you'll need.
  • Talking to you! We're offering lots of ways for you to share your thoughts, including online surveys, phone calls and in-person events.

We want to know:

  • What you love about our current programs and facilities
  • What could be better
  • What new programs or facilities you'd like to see
  • What challenges you face when trying to be active

Engage and Play - It's your chance to help shape the future of sports and recreation in our city!