Subdivision is the process of dividing a property into 2 or more legal lots.
Subdivision is a 2-part process - conditional approval and endorsement. Separate applications and fees are required for each part.
Conditional approval is the process of determining what conditions will need to be met to subdivide lots. The endorsement process confirms that these conditions have been met.
Decision A conditional approval letter is sent by City staff, which includes the conditions for subdividing your property. Common conditions of complex subdivision applications include:
Entering into a Servicing Agreement to construct improvements such as sewers, water, and roads so that subdivided properties are properly serviced
Paying Fees and Assessments, to help pay for larger shared infrastructure from which the lands will benefit
Endorsement City staff compare the conditional approval letter with the plan of survey to ensure the conditions have been satisfied. After endorsement is complete the landowner can register their lots with Alberta Land Titles.
Appeals You can appeal a subdivision refusal or condition. Refer to your conditional approval letter to see which of the following boards to appeal to:
Appeals must be made within 14 days of the date of your conditional approval letter. Adjacent property owners are notified of applications when received and are invited to comment, but have no right to appeal decisions.
Typically includes large greenfield residential or industrial/commercial sites, and
Usually include servicing agreements, assessments, offsite construction fees, or Municipal Reserve
Non Complex Applications:
Typically includes serviced industrial or commercial sites
Usually does not include servicing agreements and/or offsite construction other than payment of drainage assessments or limited water and sewer service, connections/extensions, and
Includes most condominium applications, boundary adjustments and title separations
Major Change:
Multiple changes or rephasing to a conditionally approved application
Minor Change:
Adding or removing lots to a conditionally approved application
Renewal of an expired conditional approval, no design changes from the original
The Zoning Bylaw regulates the size and locations of new developments.
Check the zoning regulations that apply to your property to ensure that your intended development can be accommodated on the property once subdivision is complete. Zoning regulations can include maximum height, building size, and required distances for buildings from property lines.
You can check the zoning regulations that apply to your property through the Zoning map:
In the general tab, scroll down to find the sections called Current Zone, Overlay, and Plan in Effect
If you have more questions about your property, speak with a City planner.
Pre-Application Meeting
A pre-application meeting can improve the application process and shorten timelines.
Pre-application meetings are not required but highly encouraged for complex applications. Contact a City planner for inquiries about non-complex applications.
During a pre-application meeting you will meet with a team of City staff from different departments (including but not limited to transportation, drainage, fire rescue) who will review and provide feedback on your proposed project.
Ensure all the conditions outlined the conditional approval letter have been completed.
Application Requirements
The following documents are required to begin your endorsement application:
Plan of Survey (PDF preferred)
Utility Right of Way Plans (if applicable, PDF preferred)
Current Certificate(s) of Title and all City of Edmonton instruments registered on title
Conditions of Approval Letter and Enclosure Maps
A copy of Deferred Reserve Caveats registered on title (if applicable)
Any applicable documentation to support confirmation of conditions
Three (3) paper copies (if required) of any Restrictive Covenants (berm and fence, top of bank and pipeline) which require City staff’s signature to execute.
Additional encumbrances registered by the City (as requested by the reviewer)