40 km/h Default Residential Speed Law Bylaw 19282

(Municipal Tax Relief) Delegation Charter Bylaw 18562

Delivery of Flyers - There is no bylaw regarding the delivery of flyers to residences. Contact Canada Post at 1-800-267-1177.

​ Design Committee Bylaw 20673

Designate the St. Francis of Assisi Friary/ St. Anthony's College/ St. Francis of Assisi Church as a Municipal Historic Resource Bylaw 14222.

Designate the Lester Allyn House as a Municipal Historic Resource Bylaw 14665.
Also see Designating a Historic Resource.

Designated Officer Position of Integrity Commissioner Bylaw 18567

Dogs - Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw 13145 and Parkland Bylaw 2202 .
Also see Pets.

Downtown Arena, Design and Construct Bylaw 15962
(A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to acquire arena land, and to design and construct a downtown arena)

Downtown Arena Ticket Surcharge Bylaw 16481

Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Rate and Supplementary Levy Rate Bylaw 17170
Also see Quarters Downtown Revitalization see "Bylaws Q".

Drainage Bylaw 18093

Drunkenness in Public - Edmonton Police Service

Dutch Elm DiseaseCommunity Standards Bylaw 14600