Fire Pits and outdoor fireplaces can be a nuisance if they aren't properly constructed, built in a safe location or used responsibly.
Citizens can report their concerns by calling 311.
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Are you concerned about a nuisance property or behaviour in your residential neighbourhood?
The Community Standards Bylaw helps to ensure that people keep their property and buildings tidy and in good repair, and that winter sidewalks and fire pits are safe.
Learn more about your responsibilities when it comes to maintaining your property, and how bylaw enforcement can help.
Fire Pits and outdoor fireplaces can be a nuisance if they aren't properly constructed, built in a safe location or used responsibly.
Citizens can report their concerns by calling 311.
Garbage that is improperly stored can become a nuisance when there is too much garbage that has broken open and not been cleaned up.
The Public Places Bylaw only regulates the unauthorized distribution of printed or promotional material on hotel premises. No one can distribute a handbill, like a pizza flyer, on hotel premises without the hotel's permission.
To avoid receiving handbills, hotels must place signs at or near all entrances bearing any of the following combinations of words:
The hotel may also use a similar notice to indicate that the hotel does not wish to have handbills left on their premises. People distributing handbills at hotels without signs will not be punished.
Dealing with snow is a big part of being an Edmontonian.
Failure to maintain your walks could result in a $100 fine and cleanup costs. Warnings are a courtesy and will not always be issued.
Property owners are also responsible for clearing snow from every walk and driveway on or beside any vacant properties they own.
Complaints are accepted between November 1 and May 1, and only when it has not snowed for at least 48 hours.
Online | Contact 311 Online |
If you are calling from outside of Edmonton: 780-442-5311