- Vehicles that are derelict, wrecked, dismantled are considered a nuisance not abandoned
- Removal is the responsibility of the property owner
- Nuisance complaints can be reported by calling 311
Private Parking Lot Sign Standards
Parking on Private Property
Parking enforcement officers can only write tickets where signs are posted correctly and are consistent with the City's standard for parking signs.
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Nuisance Vehicle
Private Parking Lot Signs
Parking lot signs must be:
- Large and high enough to be visible and safe for drivers
- Worded correctly
- Clear of advertising
- Designed with colour combinations that are visible and easy to read
- Posted at all entrances to a property, and where necessary declare specific parking restrictions within the property boundaries
The City of Edmonton Parking Enforcement Services will NOT ticket and tow vehicles that are parked in areas where signs:
- Provide the name of a specific towing company (i.e. "ACB Towing Company")
- List the incorrect fine amount
Because fines do change periodically, it is best not to put any fine amount on your parking signs.