Planning and Environment Services is citizen focused, aiming to create great places through participation of land use and environmental planning. We undertake these tasks at a regional, city-wide and area specific scale, guiding and influencing the city's urban form.
Our work supports Council's ten-year goals by delivering land use and environmental policy, plans, guidelines and programs.
The Department Strategy Section ensures the City of Edmonton has clear focus, aligned services, and is accountable to Council, the Executive Leadership team, and ultimately, the people of Edmonton.
Work performed by the Department Strategy Section includes:
- Establishing the Corporate Strategic Plan that guides the work of the Corporation, and creating alignment to business plans to solidify and resource the actions to deliver the Corporate Strategic Plan
- Supporting effective performance and risk management for the Corporation, including stewarding Risk Registers
- Improving the alignment, relevancy and efficiency of the City’s services, through the Program and Service Review and other business improvement initiatives such as the Urban Form Business Transformation initiative, and
- Providing oversight of the business processes of the Urban Planning and Economy
Development Services helps the City realize its vision of safe, healthy, attractive, vibrant and sustainable communities.
The branch is leading effective approval processes that contribute to Edmonton’s livability and sustainability, as part of Transforming Edmonton through The Ways approved in the City Vision and Strategic Plan.
The branch is responsible for ensuring land is developed according to city bylaw regulations, buildings are constructed to recognized safety standards and businesses operate with the correct licences.
The branch helps the public by processing building and development permit applications and providing advice and information on planning processes.