papastew Ward Councillor photo

Profile for City of Edmonton papastew Ward Councillor.

Michael is a father of two, living with his partner in the Garneau neighbourhood along Whyte Avenue.

Prior to being elected to Edmonton City Council, Michael served as a three-term, 11 year, Edmonton Public School Board Trustee and as Board Vice-Chair, and Chair.

Michael has an extensive background in neighbourhood and community development helping neighbours turn ideas into action as Marketing Director of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. He led initiatives such as the Living Local Strategy (the precursor to the “15 minute communities”) and other initiatives that built “neighbour power” across Edmonton. Michael has also played other leadership roles in the provincial and national non-profit sector supporting the youth mentoring movement. He volunteered on the Board of the University of Alberta (2 years) Edmonton Public Library (6 years) and served as President of the University of Alberta Students' Union which provided him valuable insights into municipal governance, financial oversight, and capital planning.

Through smart urban planning focused on building happy and healthy communities and experienced leadership, Michael believes we can build a more affordable city for all ages, wages, and stages. Michael is very proud to represent Ward papastew.

Ward Name Origin

Indigenous language of origin: papaschase
Name Meaning: papastew was a highly respected leader of the papaschase Band #136 and signed an adhesion to Treaty 6 in 1877. papastew translates to large woodpecker.

Pronunciation: PAH-PAH-STAY-OH

Contact Us

2nd Floor, City Hall
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2R7

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