- Get a commercial energy audit for your building to better understand your building’s energy performance. Start by reviewing the companies listed on Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance.
- Participate in BOMA BEST, a green building certification program for sustainable operations and maintenance of existing buildings.

Learn how energy efficiency and conservation can be incorporated into large buildings
Climate Change is the top sustainability and resiliency challenge facing Edmonton. It puts social, economical and environmental systems at risk and we are not insulated from those risks.
39% of Edmonton’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 42% of our city’s energy consumption is from all buildings (residential and large buildings). Large commercial, institutional and industrial buildings use 23% of energy and produce 19% of GHG emissions.
In order reduce our GHG emissions and lessen the effects of climate change, the City developed a Building Energy Benchmarking Pilot program to help large building owners and operators reduce their building energy use and reduce community GHG emissions in Edmonton.
Commercial Buildings: Businesses that serve customers or provide retail services.
Industrial Buildings: Buildings that house the manufacture of goods or a supporting industry.
Institutional Buildings: Buildings that typically house service organizations like government offices, hospitals and schools.