Data Visualizations
Check out the data visualizations for the greenhouse gas emissions and targets for City Operations (corporate) and for the community.
The extreme weather response will be deactivated on Monday, January 6 at 9am due to warmer weather.
A Phase 2 Parking Ban begins at 7am on Tuesday, January 7. Please remove vehicles from residential and industrial roads during scheduled clearing dates.
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The Greenhouse Gas Management Plan for Civic Operations 2019-2030 was presented to Urban Planning Committee on May 22 and City Council on May 29, 2018.
Council has directed Administration to develop a Corporate Greenhouse Gas Management Implementation Plan, as outlined in the Greenhouse Gas Management Plan for Civic Operations 2019-2030, based on an carbon reduction scenario accelerating the plan outlined for a 50% reduction (below 2005) levels by 2030.
The plan and related summary document outline a proposed method to achieve a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from City operations by 2030 (from 2005 levels). This will contribute to Edmonton’s long-term goal of carbon-neutrality as set out in the Global Covenant of Mayors, the Edmonton Declaration and the 1.5 degree scenario.
Check out the data visualizations for the greenhouse gas emissions and targets for City Operations (corporate) and for the community.
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