city accessibility graphic

Ensuring all people are treated with respect, with equitable access and opportunity to participate to the fullest extent in the city.

Share Your Thoughts: Help Build a More Accessible City

The City is updating the Accessibility for People with Disabilities Policy to continue to make Edmonton a more accessible city. The Corporate Accessibility Plan supports the Policy with tangible actions.

Thank you for providing feedback on the barriers to accessibility during Phase 1 engagement in 2024. Based on this feedback, the City has developed new actions to improve accessibility to City programs, services and spaces. These actions will make up the 2025-2029 Corporate Accessibility Plan.

Please share your thoughts on the proposed Policy updates and the draft actions. The survey will close on March 16, 2025.

Take the Survey

The City of Edmonton’s Accessibility Policy guides the development and implementation of City policies and civic engagement, programs and services, communications and technology, employee services, and infrastructure (facilities, open spaces, and transportation) to ensure full consideration of the needs of all individuals and their diverse abilities. 

Accessibility: A Fundamental Aspect of Society

Accessibility is fundamental to the quality of life, well-being, and engagement of individuals in the social, economic, cultural, spiritual, and political aspects of society. 

The City of Edmonton Accessibility for People with Disabilities Policy is intended to ensure all people are treated with respect, and have equitable access and opportunity to participate to the fullest extent in the city.

The Policy

The Accessibility for People with Disabilities Policy was approved by City Council on September 24, 2019 and can be found here.

Policy and Plan Implementation 

The 2021-2024 Corporate Accessibility Plan supports the Policy through action. The Plan included 70 accessibility actions and ended in June 2024.

Read the Final Progress Report

Corporate staff training to support awareness on disability and accessibility for people with disabilities was released in 2020. 

The 311 app was updated in 2020 to track accessibility-related submissions.

June 2021
  • First 3-year Corporate Accessibility Plan published

December 2020

  • Updates to 311 app to track accessibility related submissions
October 2020
  • Corporate awareness training on Accessibility for People with Disabilities released