The Growth Management Framework is a key component in implementing The City Plan.  It establishes a process for where, when, why and how the City supports growth and development, and works with Growth Monitoring to measure progress toward The City Plan’s goals. The framework aims to grow and diversify Edmonton’s housing supply through: 

  • Increasing density along nodes and corridors (strategic hubs and streets for living, working and moving)
  • Enabling ongoing residential infill in the redeveloping area (generally within Anthony Henday Drive)
  • Staging the expansion of new neighbourhoods in the developing area (primarily outside the Anthony Henday Drive and north of 41 Avenue SW)

More medium and high-density homes will be needed to welcome new Edmontonians. This change in urban form means more efficient use of land and more people in areas already well-served by amenities, infrastructure and services. There is also the potential to improve amenities for our citizens as neighbourhoods and districts grow and preferences change. 

This framework will help achieve The City Plan’s long-term targets of: 

  • Adding 50% of new units through infill city-wide
  • Welcoming 600,000 additional residents into the redeveloping area