All current bus route brochures are available in PDF format, and updated 5 times per year with each Service Change. To help plan a trip, use our ETS Trip Tools.

Printed brochures can be found in Edmonton Public Libraries, West Edmonton Mall and the Grey Nuns Community Hospital.

First and last train times and LRT frequencies can be found on LRT Stations.

Find Your Route

X - Express
OWL - Late Night Service
Effective Date: December 1, 2024
Route NumberDestination, Route Map
1A/BDowntown - Capilano via Gold Bar/Terrace Heights
2/2-OwlWest Edmonton Mall - Stadium/Clareview (Owl)
3Westmount - Stadium
4Lewis Farms - Capilano (including OWL)
5Westmount - Coliseum
6Davies - Southgate
7West Edmonton Mall - Downtown
8Abbottsfield - University (including OWL)
9/9-OwlEaux Claires - Southgate/Century Park (Owl)
31University - Leger
51Castle Downs - University
52West Edmonton Mall - Northgate
53Clareview - Mill Woods
54West Edmonton Mall - Clareview
55West Edmonton Mall - Meadows
56Meadows - West Edmonton Mall
101Abbottsfield - Stadium
102Abbottsfield - Kingsway
103Eaux Claires - Kingsway
104Coliseum - Clareview
106Dunvegan - Belvedere
107Belvedere - Clareview
108Belvedere - Clareview
109 A/BNorthgate - Castle Downs
110XEaux Claires - Downtown
111McQueen - Riverdale
112Castle Downs - Eaux Claires
113Northgate - Clareview
114Northgate - Clareview
116Abbottsfield - Clareview
117Eaux Claires - Clareview
118Eaux Claires - Clareview
119Eaux Claires - Clareview
120XEaux Claires - Government Centre
121Clareview - Evergreen
122Eaux Claires - Lago Lindo
123Northgate - Coliseum
124Westmount - Eaux Claires
127Northgate - Castle Downs
128Northgate - Londonderry
130XBaturyn - Government Centre
131Riverdale - Downtown
140XPalisades - Kingsway
150XDunluce - Government Centre
500XMeadows - Grant MacEwan University
501Davies - Capilano
502Davies - South Campus
503Davies - Millbourne/Woodvale
504Davies - Meadows
505Davies - Pylypow
506Davies - Maple
507Tamarack - Southgate
508Meadows - Millbourne
509 A/BMill Woods - Mill Woods Road
511Downtown - Mill Woods (including OWL)
512Mill Woods - South Edmonton Common
513Mill Woods - Knottwood
514Mill Woods - Millhurst
515Mill Woods - Meadows
516Mill Woods - Meadows
517Mill Woods - Southwood
518Mill Woods - Century Park
519Mill Woods - Century Park
521Mill Woods - Century Park
522Capilano - Bonnie Doon
523Mill Woods - Downtown
524Bonnie Doon - Holyrood
525Bonnie Doon - Ritchie
526Mill Woods - Millbourne
560Downtown - Spruce Grove
589Coliseum to Edmonton Waste Management Centre
700XCentury Park - Heritage Valley
701Southgate - Kingsway
702Southgate - South Campus
703Leger - South Campus
704Southgate - South Park
705Century Park - Southgate
706Leger - Southgate
707Century Park - Southgate
708Century Park - Southgate
709Century Park - Southgate
712Century Park - Yellowbird
713Century Park - Twin Brooks
715Leger - Century Park
716Leger - Century Park
717Leger - Century Park
718Leger - Century Park
719Chappelle - Century Park
721Century Park - Desrochers
722Allard - Century Park
723Parkallen - University
724Leger - South Campus
725Southgate - Lendrum
726Belgravia - University
727Chappelle - Heritage Valley
900XLewis Farms - Downtown
901Jasper Place - Downtown
902NAIT - University
903Jasper Place - Kingsway
904West Edmonton Mall - Westmount
905Northgate - Westmount
906West Edmonton Mall - Westmount
907West Edmonton Mall - Westmount
908Jasper Place - Westmount
909Jasper Place - Westmount
910XCallingwood - South Campus
912Lewis Farms - Jasper Place
913West Edmonton Mall - Jamieson Place
914West Edmonton Mall - Jasper Place
915West Edmonton Mall - Jasper Place
916West Edmonton Mall - Lewis Farms
917West Edmonton Mall - Lewis Farms
918 A/BWest Edmonton Mall - Lessard via 172 St
919Lewis Farms - Secord
920XLewis Farms - University
921Jasper Place - Westview
922Lewis Farms - Rosenthal
923West Edmonton Mall - Oleskiw
924Jasper Place - Rio Terrace
925Jasper Place - West Edmonton Mall
926Lewis Farms - Stillwater
930XHamptons - South Campus
Stony Plain Road ShuttleJasper Place - Unity Square