Text Message
To discreetly report immediate safety concerns, text Transit Watch at 780-442-4900 anywhere, anytime. ETS staff will assist you and dispatch officers, if needed.
A Phase 2 Parking Ban for residential and industrial areas is in effect Monday through Friday. Please remove vehicles during scheduled clearing dates.
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The City, in collaboration with community partners, takes a multi-layered approach to safety and security on transit, and is committed to enhancing safety for all Edmontonians, staff and contractors working onsite.
ETS has many staff who are dedicated to keeping riders and transit property safe.
To discreetly report immediate safety concerns, text Transit Watch at 780-442-4900 anywhere, anytime. ETS staff will assist you and dispatch officers, if needed.
All trains are equipped with help phones, pull handles and push strips. They connect directly to the LRT operator driving the train.
If you see something out of the ordinary, report it immediately to the bus or LRT operator, other uniformed ETS personnel or law enforcement personnel.
Transit Peace Officers patrol in uniform on ETS vehicles and property, including buses, LRT and at transit facilities. To learn more, visit Community Standards Enforcement Officers.
Transit Security Dispatchers work in the Control Centre and provide behind-the-scenes safety and security support.
Security Guards are located onsite at 25 transit facilities throughout Edmonton. At many facilities, there are two security guards. They wear highly visible jackets or vests and patrol throughout their shift. They observe and report.
To report safety concerns or unusual and suspicious activity, call or text Transit Watch.
Phone | 780-442-4900 |