Southgate Recycling Depot Closure
As of March 23, 2025, the Southgate Recycling Depot will be closed. The City is currently looking for alternative locations.
The nearest alternative drop off locations include:
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As of March 23, 2025, the Southgate Recycling Depot will be closed. The City is currently looking for alternative locations.
The nearest alternative drop off locations include:
Edmonton’s Community Recycling Depots are a convenient way to dispose of recyclables from your home or small business. Most locations are open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. Each bin has a label on the front to tell you what items should be placed in it. Please carefully read the labels and follow the instructions.
It is illegal to leave garbage renovation materials and large items such as fridges and furniture at the City’s Recycling Depots. Illegal dumping at Recycling Depots is monitored and offenders will be fined $250.
Recycling Depots accept:
For more information on accepted items, see What Can I Recycle? Or use the WasteWise App.
Recycling Depots do not accept:
These items should be taken to an Eco Station, Big Bin Event or the Edmonton Waste Management Centre.