view of intersection road signs

Improvements to 107 Avenue, from 101 Street to 122 Street, will help enhance community connections.

Project Update - August 2024

Construction is underway is anticipated to be completed in 2025. During construction, there will be intermittent lane reductions on 107 Avenue. Local access and access to businesses and residences will be maintained.

Construction Bulletin - August 2024

The Final Plan

Public Park

During engagement, we learned that construction of the park located on 107 Avenue and 105 Street was a priority for residents, businesses and visitors to the area. The project team worked to adjust the project scope and secured funding to incorporate the construction of the park into the overall revitalization plan, which is anticipated to begin in 2024. 

107 Avenue Park

Streetscape Elements

Streetscape construction is anticipated to begin in August 2024, and will include:

  • Replacement of streetlighting along 101 Street  to 117 Street
  • Upgrading pedestrian lighting (101 Street to 109 Street) and installing new pedestrian lighting (109 Street to 116 Street)
  • Introduction of gateway features at 101 Street, 109 Street, 116 Street and 122 Street
  • Installation of benches and bike racks
  • Replacement of concrete pavement stones 

Area Background

107 Avenue is a significant commercial roadway intersecting several communities in Edmonton. The Central MacDougall/Queen Mary Park segment of 107 Avenue is described by some within the community as where the world meets in Edmonton.

107 Avenue acts as a main street in the area, populated by businesses, services and multi-unit residences. The area is rich in character, welcoming generations of newcomers to Edmonton and provides the community with a strong cross-cultural influence.