Trees around Edmonton get lit up to encourage residents to spend time outside at night and create more vibrant spaces.
As part of its beautification initiatives, the City of Edmonton strings over 2,000 trees with sparkling white lights. These trees are primarily located in the Business Improvement Areas of the City, with a few other installations at locations such as City Hall, Giovanni Cabotto and Ezio Faraone Parks.
These lights do far more than beautify our streets. They encourage residents to spend time outside at night, resulting in safer, more vibrant spaces. This beautification attracts evening customers and visitors to businesses in the area, which leads to economic gain.
The City lights its trees with low wattage LED lights. A full sized mature elm strung with lights uses less electricity than a conventional 60 watt light bulb. Photocells and timers are also used to reduce energy consumption during non-essential hours of the day.
Edmontonians can enjoy the glow through the season as these lights remain up year round.
The Urban Forestry team is currently reviewing the process for submitting tree lighting requests on City-owned trees.