On Your Bike:
- Ring your bell to pass
- Pass on the left
- Slow down and use caution
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Edmonton has over 160 km of shared pathways and shared trails to enjoy!
Shared pathways can be used for both recreation and commuting. They allow Edmontonians to safely enjoy the outdoors - on your bike, on your feet, or with your dog.
Let's learn to use the Language of the Path to communicate clearly and stay safe on our shared pathways.
Shared Pathways are paved, off-street paths made for many activities. You can bike, walk, run, scoot, blade, and more, unless otherwise indicated by signage.
Bikes are allowed to ride on sidewalks that are designated as a shared pathway. Shared pathways are typically 2.5m or wider and are marked with signs that indicate that they are shared by people on bikes and pedestrians.
A complete list of shared-use sidewalks is available under Class 1 Bicycle Highways of the Traffic Listings document .
Shared Trails are paths that are typically hard-packed with gravel, wood chips or dirt. You can bike, walk, run, and more except where otherwise indicated by local signage. Shared trails generally include activities such as walking and cycling, but also include horse riding in designated areas.
Shared pathways and Trails are used for a variety of activities, including walking, running and cycling.
Hours of Operation: 5am-11pm daily
Parks and trails are monitored by Park Rangers, who provide bylaw enforcement and education to park users.
People on bikes are responsible for following these rules:
Cycling on the sidewalk is not permitted except for bikes with a 50cm wheel diameter or less, such as kids’ bikes.
Standard size bicycles are only allowed on signed, shared sidewalks that are 2.5m wide or greater and shared pathways.
Where permitted by signs to use a sidewalk, always give right-of-way to pedestrians and always give audible warning of your approach.
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If you are calling from outside of Edmonton: 780-442-5311