Neighbourhood renewal construction in Garneau is now complete.

Construction Update - November 2023

Neighbourhood Renewal construction in Garneau has wrapped up for the 2023 construction season! 

2023 construction began in May and was finished the first week of November. The 2023 construction season was a success and we completed all planned construction including:

  • The reconstruction of roads, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and new street lights in the following areas: 
    • 86 Avenue from 109 Street to 107 Street
    • 108A Street north of 86 Avenue
    • 108 Street north of 86 Avenue
    • 85 Avenue from 109 Street to 107 Street
    • 84 Avenue from 109 Street to 107 Street
    • 108 Street from 82 Avenue to 86 Avenue
    • 84 Avenue from 112 Street to 111 Street
    • 86 Avenue from 112 Street to 111 Street
    • 111 Street from 86 Avenue to 87 Avenue
  • In addition, a new multi-use road and shared-use path connecting to the new 107 Street park was also constructed as part of the 2023 scope of work

There are some areas in the 2023 construction area that still require sod. Once the weather warms up, typically in early May, the landscape subcontractor will be completing the topsoil and sod placement. By waiting until spring, the sod is more likely to establish. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we completed neighbourhood renewal construction in Garneau. 

Neighbourhood renewal in Garneau was completed on time and on budget.

About the Project

Neighbourhood renewal in Garneau will involve road reconstruction and repaving, as well as replacement of street lights and reconstruction of sidewalks, curb and gutter. It also includes the opportunity for 2 local improvements, sidewalk renewal and decorative street lights. Arterial roads and alleys are not included in the scope of work.

A series of public events were scheduled by the project team which gave residents the opportunity to build a project vision and guiding principles together and provide regular feedback on the different stages of the project including design.

Neighbourhood Reconstruction

Learn more about what you can expect in your neighbourhood during construction.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Where is my mail?

During construction, Canada Post may choose to temporarily suspend mail delivery. If you are not receiving your mail but have not received a suspension notification, please call Canada Post customer service at 1-800-267-1177.

With the current fiscal realities for the City, should neighbourhood renewal designs include all the extras?

Funding for the Neighbourhood Renewal program has come through a combination of City-wide property taxes and provincial funding over the past decade. To be approved for construction, the cost for the design must fall within the renewal budget for the neighbourhood. Some elements proposed may not receive funding, however efforts will be made to partner with other City programs and initiatives to leverage additional funding opportunities.

Garneau has waited for its renewal and the roads and sidewalks in this neighbourhood deserve the same support as other neighbourhoods renewed in previous years. The upgrades planned for Garneau are to support the community now and for the next 30-35 years in the future.

The Neighbourhood Renewal Program has been recognized as being the most cost effective way to add missing infrastructure into an area as significant construction work is already underway.

How were decisions made about the proposed bike routes in Garneau?

The Edmonton Southside Bike Network, determines the locations of future bike routes as part of a city-wide Bike Transportation Plan. A north-south connection on 110 Street has been identified for the Garneau neighbourhood as well as east-west connections from 109 Street to 110 Street.

Public input received during the engagement process, along with project technical information, informed the location of the 83 Avenue to 112 Street connector, as well as other connectors between 109 Street and the new 110 Street bike lane.

The type of biking facility for the north-south route and the east-west connectors were determined using public input, city policy and technical considerations.

There is little to no traffic on the street, why can’t people who bike just ride on the road like they do today?

As Edmonton continues to grow, congestion on the streets does too. As part of the City’s Transportation Master Plan, the City is committed to supporting a transportation network that supports all modes of travel. Part of this is the implementation of dedicated bike lanes, which are designed to be all ages and abilities, as well as all seasons. A dedicated bike lane will be cleared in the winter (unlike a shared roadway) to encourage all season use.

Bike lanes and infrastructure is generally built for the “Interested but Concerned” and “Enthused and Confident” groups, with the aim of shifting their attitudes into higher comfort groups with biking. Building safe infrastructure provides options for those who may start to think about biking, or are currently not riding their bike because they do not feel comfortable to do so.

In order to improve the commutes for Edmontonians, our goal is to provide people with a variety of transportation options – including choices for walking, biking, driving and taking transit. The safety of citizens is our priority, no matter what mode of transportation they choose - in any season.

Parking for residents and their visitors is already a huge issue in Garneau and more on-street public parking is being removed for the bike lanes. Aren’t there any design options that would allow parking to be retained?

There is only so much space in the roadway that can be allocated to driving, bikes, parking and sidewalks, and we also heard that trees were really important to residents. Wherever parking has been removed it is because it was not possible to fit all of the elements into the road area without also removing trees.

Why are sidewalks required on both sides of the street? In other neighbourhoods there are sidewalks only on a single side.

The City is committed to providing a safe and integrated mobility network that is not just for people who drive. Sidewalks provide linkages to key destinations  such as schools, businesses, shopping and transit within and between neighbourhoods. 

By providing routes for people to use that are not just a road, there are other potential benefits which include reduced road maintenance (potholes and snow clearing), reduced greenhouse gas emissions, ability to age in place, better public health, safer and more vibrant streets.

The sidewalks also support the City’s The Way We Move goal of making active transportation a preferred choice for more people making it possible for the transportation system to move more people more efficiently in fewer vehicles.

In addition the design adheres to the Complete Streets Guidelines which promote a network that provides travel options for users of all ages and abilities that are safe, universally designed, context sensitive, and operable in all seasons (including winter). These options accommodate the needs of the present and future and contribute to the environmental sustainability and resiliency of the city.

Other neighbourhoods may only have sidewalks on one side of the road due to different and unique technical challenges of the time, and older City Design and Construction Standards. Garneau will be built with the most recent standards, to ensure the infrastructure remains current and relevant for the next 40 years.

Where can E-scooters be used?

E-scooters within the city are currently permitted to travel along bike lanes, shared pathways, shared streets, and roads with a posted speed limit of 50km/hr or less. E-scooters cannot be used on sidewalks, park trails not maintained by the City or vehicle lanes designated for patio use on Jasper Avenue, Old Strathcona, or 124 Street.

Can you just install stop signs rather than construct curb extensions?

Stop signs are installed based on traffic volumes and are not considered traffic calming devices. If a stop sign is installed where there is little or no cross traffic (a reason for people to stop), then compliance becomes an issue and there can be problems with safety such as people running the stop sign.

How does this plan stop speeding and reduce shortcutting through Garneau?

All of these design elements work together to reduce speeding and discourage shortcutting:

  • One-way streets

  • Bike lanes

  • Enhanced crosswalks

  • Curb extensions

  • Narrowing of intersections (111 Street and 81 Avenue)

  • Chicanes (84 Avenue)

These features bring attention to other road users and make it less convenient for people who drive to shortcut through the neighbourhood.

One of the more aggressive ways to prevent short cutting is road closures, however those also have an impact on area residents. Road closures were not included as it may redirect the traffic to other avenues rather than work to prevent shortcutting.

Will new trees be planted?

The project team has been out in the community on design walks, looking for locations to plant new trees in all areas of the neighbourhood, including gaps in the boulevard. We look for opportunities to plant new boulevards trees and also to diversify the tree canopy with a variety of species.

In July 2020, we shared an Ask a Question tool where you could submit your questions and have them answered by the Project Team. All of those questions have been captured in this Questions Document.

Ask a Question

Ask a question directly to the Garneau Neighbourhood Renewal project team.

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This information is being collected under the Authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and will be used for the Garneau Neighbourhood Renewal project information, and is protected by the privacy provisions of FOIP. If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of these data, please contact the City of Edmonton by calling 311.