Community Standards Branch - Animal Care & Control Centre

Branch Mandate

Community Standards enhances a livable city by supporting safe properties and a civil urban society that meets the standards and expectations of communities. This is accomplished by the identification of standards, together with the education, compliance and, where necessary, enforcement initiatives required to uphold them.    

They work with Edmontonians and visitors to promote understanding and adherence to bylaws, coordinate service delivery, operate and maintain parks and enhance the urban forest.

Branch Organization

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Animal Care & Control Centre

Animal Care operates Edmonton’s Animal Care & Control Centre. We offer safe harbor for sick, injured, and lost pets as well as victims of animal neglect, cruelty, and abandonment.

We house and care for these pets until such time as their rightful owners can be found or they are transferred to a rescue for adoption.

The team at the facility is trained to look after the health & well-being of all pets in our care by providing:

  • First aid and veterinary care for animals that come in with injury
  • Quality Food and Enrichment
  • Clean kennels that are sanitized daily
  • Vaccinations to protect from infection
  • Specialty care for unique pets and other animals that come through the Centre

We also work collaboratively with the Animal Care & Control Officers to educate citizens on aspects of responsible pet ownership.

Capital City Clean Up

Capital City Clean Up is a litter reduction and graffiti prevention program developed to help keep the city clean, safe and attractive.

Community Peace Officers
  • The Animal Care & Control Officers protect and ensure animals’ and pets’ welfare within the city 
  • The Community Standards Peace Officers, who wear several hats, primarily ensure the safe use and enjoyment of public and private property (littering, smoking, signs, and firepits). There are also within the CSPO 
  • The Vehicle for Hire team regulates taxi, transportation network vehicle (TNV), limousines, and such
  • The Infill Construction team monitors infill development
  • The Commercial Vehicle Unit regulates commercial vehicles over 4500 kg 
  • The Churchill team patrols City Hall, Churchill Square, and the Downtown core
  • The Transit Peace Officers, including the Bike Patrol, ensure transit (buses, LRT, transit stations) are safe for all to use
  • The Park Rangers ensure the city’s public and open spaces, as well as parkland (public parks), are safely preserved and maintained. They include the Wildlife and Homeless Teams
Municipal Enforcement Officers

Work with citizens and businesses in our communities to ensure that the City’s basic community standards are maintained by enforcing city bylaws that deal with common complaints to

  • Garbage storage
  • Problem properties
  • Recreational Vehicle Parking
  • Snow Removal
  • Signs
  • Weeds
  • Lack of maintenance of buildings
  • Boulevard Concerns

MEOs use resources such as education, warnings, inspections, and penalties to help ensure that the City bylaws are adhered to.

Edmonton Combative Sports

The Edmonton Combative Sports Commission conducts licensing and regulation of combative sports in Edmonton. The Commission provides expertise in governance and administration the sports MMA, boxing and wrestling.

The Commission ensures a safe competition environment and provides officials such as referees, judges and ringside physicians for combative sports events.

Parking Services

Edmonton's parking services program provides foot patrol, marked car patrol and special event services to ensure public safety with respect to vehicles. The program offers a private agency training program for apartment and condo managers to conduct parking enforcement on private property.

A yearly awareness campaign aims to curb illegal parking in disabled parking stalls.