Office of the City Clerk

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City Hall Service Desk (Office of the City Clerk)

3rd Floor, City Hall
Monday to Friday
Open 9am-4pm
Closed noon-12:30pm daily
Closed on all statutory holidays

Please contact us by phone or e-mail: 
Monday to Friday
Phone: 780-496-8178

The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB)

Hearings for SDAB are held through a combination of in-person, video conference and written submissions.

The Assessment Review Board (ARB)

Hearings for residential complaints (Local Assessment Review Board) and commercial complaints (Composite Assessment Review Board) may be held via in-person, video conference, written or tele-conference.

The Community Standards and License Appeal Committee (CSLAC)

Hearings for CSLAC are held through a combination of in-person, video conference and written submissions.

Phone: 780-423-7420

Civic Agencies

The Civic Agency Team continues to provide services remotely.

Phone: 780-496-8178

Election and Census Office

The Election and Census Office is closed to the public. Election and Census staff continue to provide the same services remotely. 

Phone: 780-496-8008

Branch Mandate

The Office of the City Clerk is the primary contact regarding City Council business. The Office manages Council and Committee meetings, quasi-judicial boards, municipal elections, the municipal census and appointments to civic agencies. It also manages corporate records and oversees Freedom of Information inquiries for the organization.

The City Clerk administers the legislative process for municipal government. The Clerk is responsible for ensuring Council meetings are conducted legally and provides procedural advice during meetings. The City Clerk is also the Returning Officer for municipal elections.

Branch Organization

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Office of the Branch Manager


The Office of the Branch Manager provides a strategic approach to branch work. The team works closely with Branch Leadership to support functions related to budget, employee engagement, technology, internal communications, and culture. This work helps ensure productive and knowledgeable staff with a broad understanding of the branch and how it aligns with Council’s direction.


FOIP and Records Management


The Corporate Information Governance section supports a city-wide framework for the management of recorded information. It includes developing policies, standards and strategic direction for the creation, security, accessibility, retention, disposition and preservation of records. It is applicable to all City departments, employees, and volunteers, as well as the Office of the City Auditor, contractors, boards, agencies, and commissions.

The section also manages the City’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) program by assigning and tracking FOIP requests and representing the City in mediations and inquiries with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. We also process FOIP requests, provide consultation and advice to the City’s FOIP Coordinators, and conduct the “FOIP in the City” training course.


Councillors Office Liaison Team


The Councillors Office Liaison Team provides a broad range of administrative and operational supports to Elected Officials and the Office of the City Clerk; including accounting and budget support, Council Correspondence distribution, Council meeting notices and calendaring and general reception services.


Elections and Census


The Elections and Census section is responsible for conducting Edmonton’s civic election every four years and a city-wide census every two years. In the intervening years we review our election processes, develop technology requirements for future elections, look at data to determine if a ward boundary review should be recommended to Council, and are prepared to conduct by-elections. The Director also reports to two city school boards (as contributing partners in elections) and is responsible to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the operation of the election (in Local Authorities Election Act).

The biennial city-wide census is conducted to determine the population of the city and to collect demographic data from residents. We rely on census data in considering ward boundary reviews. It is also used for planning purposes by various City departments, the library, police, businesses, schools, community organizations, and others. Located in the west end (16304-114 Avenue), we have a regular staff of up to nine people. We are responsible for hiring up to 3,000 temporary workers during elections and 1,200 during census.


Governance and Legislative Services


The Governance and Legislative Services section manages all aspects of City Council and Committee meetings. We assist the corporation and City Council in complying with legislation in the decision-making process, which also applies to the extended governance model for civic agencies, boards, and commissions.




The Tribunals Section supports the Assessment Review Board, the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, and the Community Standards and Licence Appeal Committee. These quasi-judicial tribunals are independent venues where citizens can appeal decisions made by City Administration allowing them the opportunity to be heard on matters that affect them.