Definition of Recreational Vehicle
Any vehicle designed to provide temporary living accommodation for travel, vacation, or recreational use, and to be driven, towed or transported.
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There are limits to where you can have your recreational vehicle on public streets and private property in Edmonton.
Any vehicle designed to provide temporary living accommodation for travel, vacation, or recreational use, and to be driven, towed or transported.
Recreational vehicles on roadways or on public spaces cannot be occupied for use as a temporary dwelling.
Unattached trailers cannot be parked on City streets at any time. This includes but is not limited to:
The Traffic Bylaw 5590 allows RV parking on the roadway immediately beside the owner's residence, for no more than 72 consecutive hours.
After 72 hours, the RV must be moved off the city street for at least 48 consecutive hours. After 48 hours the RV may be parked again on the roadway beside the owner's residence.
Note: The owner’s residence is established through motor vehicle registries. The vehicle owner is responsible for having up-to-date vehicle registration information.
The time limit for parking any vehicle on a street is 72 consecutive hours unless the street has its own specific restrictions in place. After 72 hours vehicles are considered to be abandoned.
The fine for improper RV parking on City streets is $50. Any tows are at the owner’s expense.
The Zoning Bylaw regulates the parking and storage of recreational vehicles and trailers on private property.
Section 5.120 generally prohibits parking any large recreational vehicle on the front yard and flanking side yard of residential property for any longer than is reasonably necessary to load or unload the vehicle.
A "large recreational vehicle" includes any motorhome, travel trailer, or fifth-wheel trailer; any camper when it is not mounted on a truck, but placed on the ground, on a stand or otherwise stored; or any similar vehicles.
A "large recreational vehicle" does not include:
Between April 1 and October 31 inclusive, a large recreational vehicle may be parked on a residential zoned property if all of the following criteria are met:
Note: The recreational vehicle must be parked on a driveway and may not be parked on the landscaped portion of the front yard or flanking side yard.
Fines for Zoning Bylaw infractions start at $250. If compliance is not achieved, escalating fines and/or other enforcement action, including the removal of the vehicle at the owner’s expense, may be initiated.
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