Artist’s rendering of the accessible lakefront path.
Artist’s rendering of the accessible lakefront path.

Hawrelak Park is temporarily closed for rehabilitation of utilities, facilities, open spaces, paths and roads.

Events at William Hawrelak Park

Events at William Hawrelak Park have been temporarily relocated while the park undergoes refurbishment work. 

  • The Silver Skate Festival has relocated to Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park
  • The Freewill Shakespeare Festival has relocated to Edmonton community leagues, in a travelling festival format
  • The Edmonton Heritage Festival has moved to the Edmonton Exhibition Lands, Edmonton EXPO West Lot and Borden Park
  • The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra’s outdoor concert series has moved to a variety of locations throughout Edmonton. Please visit Winspear Centre for dates and locations.

Project Update - Fall 2024

Rehabilitation work continues across William Hawrelak Park. The replacement of all deep utility services throughout the park is complete. The rehabilitation of the two overflow drainage outfalls at the North Saskatchewan River is complete.

The roadways and new shared pathway are currently being paved, with sections of the pathway completed. The electrical infrastructure for the pathway lighting and power throughout the park has been installed along the shared pathway. Most of the work on the perimeter road and main parking lot is complete. The remaining work will be completed in 2025.

Rehabilitation work continues on the Main Pavilion, Heritage Amphitheatre, shelters and main service yard. The retaining wall along the Main Pavilion Plaza and lakefront path is complete. The concrete for the seating along the lakefront path has been poured.

The rehabilitation of the Groat Road stairs is complete and they have reopened.

Landscaping work has started and will continue throughout 2025. The grading of Hawrelak Lake is almost complete, and work on the vegetative buffer around the lake is almost complete. The landscaping will need time to establish before the park can reopen to the public.

William Hawrelak Park Rehabilitation - Year Two